

The Constitution of The Hellenic Professional Society of Texas


The name of this organization shall be : The Hellenic Professional Society of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the Society.


The objectives of the Society shall be:

  1. To organize and sponsor cultural, educational, humanitarian, and social activities for the benefit of its members and of the public, at the local, state and national level.
  2. To encourage and promote the pursuit of education among people of Greek descent throughout the world.
  3. To promote cooperation among professionals of Greek descent throughout the world.
  4. To promote Greek language and culture to interested groups at the local, state, and national level.


The membership of the Society shall consist of persons who share the objectives set forth in Article II.

  1. Types of Membership
    1. Members shall be persons who have graduated from an academic school of college/university grade, or have equivalent training and experience, and whose interests in the objectives of the Society make them desirable members.
    2. Student Members shall be persons engaged in full-time studies leading to a college/university degree, and whose interests in the objectives of the Society make them desirable members. Student members shall not be eligible to hold office, but they shall have the right to vote.
    3. A Member or Student Member who is current to his/her financial responsibility to the Society is defined as a member in good standing.

  2. Application
  3. An applicant shall submit his/her qualifications in writing to the Membership Committee Chairperson upon such form as shall be furnished by the Society; the application must be endorsed by three members in good standing. The application shall be reviewed and approved or rejected by the Executive Committee, according to the procedure prescribed in the By-Laws of the Society.


  • Executive Committee
  • The officers of the Executive Committee shall be: the President, the Vice President, the Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary, the Treasurer, and the two Counselors. The officers shall direct and manage the Society by majority vote subject to its Constitution and By Laws. They shall have the power to make final decisions without consulting the membership in emergency cases where immediate action is necessary. Members of the Executive Committee shall be members in good standing.

  • Election of officers
  • The officers of the Society shall be elected by plurality of vote of members in good standing, present and voting at the annual election meeting. The immediate past president shall become counselor for the coming year. If the past president wishes to have a position other than counselor, then he/she must submit his/her name for re election along with the other candidates. If the past president can not for any reason serve as counselor during the subsequent year of his/her term in office, he/she shall state so at the annual election meeting at the conclusion of his/her term. The position of counselor will then be filled through the normal election process according to the Constitution and the By-Laws. The officers shall hold office for one year commencing June 1 and until their successors are elected and duly installed, as discussed in the By Laws.

    Officers shall be eligible for re election. The President shall not serve (in the same office) for more than two consecutive years. In case of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President shall advance to the office of the President; a vacancy in any other office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a Society member in good standing elected by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

  • Responsibility of Officers
    • Responsibilities of the President: The President shall be the executive head and representative of the Society. He/She shall preside at all meetings of the Society and its Executive Committee. He/She shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Society and shall see to the enforcement of the Constitution and By Laws and to the carrying out of all resolutions and proceedings of the Society and of the Executive Committee. He/She shall be required to countersign all checks issued by the Treasurer.
    • Responsibilities of the Vice President: The Vice President shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties of the President in his/her absence. He/She shall have other such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee.
    • Responsibilities of the Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep an updated roll of the members and keep a record of the proceedings at all meetings.
    • Responsibilities of the Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for the notices of meetings of the Society, which shall be mailed not less than two weeks prior to the meetings; shall provide all communications pertaining to the affairs of the Society and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President or the Executive Committee. The Corresponding Secretary shall keep complete record of all communications of the Society, including any letters and communications by the President or Vice President and Treasurer of the Society.
    • Responsibilities of the Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and deposit such sums as are being paid to the Society and shall disburse such sums on vouchers approved by the Executive Committee. The funds received by the Treasurer shall be deposited in a bank to be selected by the Executive Committee in an account in the name of the Society. The Treasurer shall draw checks on said account which shall be counter signed by the President. The Treasurer shall keep and prepare property vouchers and books of account which shall at all times be open to inspection by or on the order of the Executive Committee. He/She shall collect dues from the membership and other funds receivable by the Society subject to the control of the Executive Committee. Any disbursement in excess of that stipulated in the By Laws shall require the approval of the membership.
    • At the close of his/her term of office, the Treasurer shall deliver to the successor any funds, books, papers, and documents pertaining to the financial transactions of the Society.

    • Responsibilities of the Counselors: In addition to participating in the governing of the Society and assisting the other officers of the Executive Committee as need arises, the Counselors bear the overall responsibility for monitoring the material possessions of the Society. To this end, one of the counselors shall be the Auditor. He/She shall be responsible for having the books and accounts audited annually, or more often at his/her discretion, and for reporting the findings to the membership at the annual election meeting. The other Counselor shall be the Property Custodian. He/She shall make sure that the material goods and the archives of the Society are properly used and accounted for.

  • Termination of Term of Officers
  • Membership in the Executive Committee may be terminated by the officer in a letter of resignation to the Executive Committee. The term of an officer may be terminated for constitutional or legal cause by a unanimous vote of the remaining six members of the Executive Committee present at a special meeting called for that purpose; the officer concerned shall be notified in writing at least two weeks prior to the meeting and advised of his/her right to appear and defend himself/herself. The termination of a term of an officer may be requested by ten members in good standing with a letter to the Executive Committee stating the cause; it may also be initiated by five members of the Executive Committee.


The Executive Committee shall appoint the Chairperson of the following Functional Committees: (a) Membership Committee, (b) Program Committee, (c) Scholarship Committee, (d) Hellenic Affairs Committee, (e) Greek Language Committee, (f) Finance Committee, and (g) Publicity Committee. The Chairpersons of these committees will select their own committee members.

The Nominating Committee shall be elected in a general membership meeting at least three months before the meeting in which elections are to be held. Three members shall be elected to the Nominating Committee. The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall not serve simultaneously as a member of the Executive Committee.

Ad hoc committees may also be appointed by the Executive Committee as need arises.


  • Rules
  • The order of business of all meetings of the Society and its Executive Committee shall be prescribed in an agenda by the presiding officer, or if objection be made thereto, by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the Society, of the Executive Committee, and of all other committees on any point not covered by the Constitution and By Laws.

    Persons who are not members of the Society are not permitted to address the general meetings except upon invitation by the majority of the Executive Committee. Only members in good standing will be allowed to vote at the annual election meeting.

  • Assembly Meetings
    • General Business Meetings: The General Business Meetings of the Society may be held at such time and place as may be designated by the Executive Committee. At least two such meetings shall be held prior to the Annual Election meeting.
    • Annual Election Meeting: The Annual Election Meeting of the Society shall be held during the month of April or May every year. At this meeting, the Executive Committee will report on its tenure, annual committee reports will be rendered, officers for the period starting June 1 will be elected, and dues for the coming year will be proposed by the Executive Committee and ratified by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote.
    • Special Meetings: Special Meetings of the Society may be called by the Executive Committee or upon the written request of seven members in good standing.
    • Quorum requirement: The presence of one third (1/3) of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Society; the presiding officer may postpone the meeting for thirty minutes, if necessary, at which time the number of members of the Society in good standing, present at said meeting, shall constitute a quorum.

  • Executive Committee Meetings
  • Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held as prescribed by the President or upon request of three of its officers. The presence of five members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the Executive Committee meeting; unless otherwise stated in the Constitution and By Laws, decisions of the Executive Committee will be made by majority vote. Members of the Society can be present at such meetings.


Every member is obligated to adhere to the principles of the Society and every member may be subjected to disciplinary action.

  • For good cause shown, any member may file a complaint in writing to the Executive Committee whose recommendations will entitle such complaint to consideration by the membership upon a ten day written notice.
  • A two thirds vote of those present, provided at least two thirds of the members in good standing are present, shall be necessary for suspension or expulsion. Suspension is defined as loss of membership privileges for a fixed duration (but no more than one calendar year) to be decided by the Executive Committee on a case by case basis. Expulsion is permanent and can not be reversed.
  • If two thirds of the membership are not present, letters shall be sent to the membership ten days before a second meeting. Suspension or expulsion shall be decided by a two thirds (2/3) majority of those present in the second meeting.


The membership of a member shall lapse if he/she fails to pay current calendar year dues for two successive calendar years; such member shall not have his/her lapsed membership reinstated unless he/she first obtains the approval of the Executive Committee and pays a reinstatement fee to be determined by the Executive Committee each year.


  • Amendments to the Constitution and By Laws may be proposed by seven members in good standing. Such amendments shall be submitted in writing, signed by the proponents, together with a written request for a meeting to consider the same.
  • Notice in writing shall be given by mailing a copy of the proposed amendment(s) to each member of the Society two weeks prior to the date of the meeting of the Society when action will be taken thereon.
  • A two thirds majority vote of the members in good standing present shall be necessary for the adoption of any such proposed amendment.


Affiliation with other organizations with similar objectives can be pursued by the membership and Executive Committee. In cases of affiliation, the Hellenic Professional Society of Texas, will maintain fully its autonomy and its By Laws and Constitution. Prior to ratification of affiliation with any organizations, the membership must be given the opportunity to read the Constitution and By Laws of the organization considered for affiliation at least 60 days prior to the vote. Ratification will require two thirds (2/3) majority vote by the members in good standing.


  • Membership
    • The membership to the Society is a privilege which shall be extended to persons sharing its objectives as set forth in Article II of the Constitution, and who have graduated from an accredited college/university, or have equivalent training and professional experience. At least three sponsoring members in good standing must sign the application of a candidate member, and must do so in good faith.
    • After the Executive Committee has processed a membership application, the Membership Committee Chairperson will notify the applicant regarding acceptance of the application. This shall be done no later than one month after the vote was taken on the matter. At this time, the new member will be requested to submit his/her dues.

  • Election and Functions of the Nominating Committee
  • A three-member Nominating Committee will be elected in a general meeting to be held at least three months before the Annual Election Meeting. The Committee will be elected by the members present at that meeting. The three members will convene, within two weeks, and elect a Chairperson, who will then contact the Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary will inform the membership in the next newsletter distributed by the Society, which shall be mailed at least two months before the Annual Election Meeting. No member of the Nominating Committee can be a candidate for office in the upcoming elections.

    Nominations will be invited in this same announcement, and must be addressed to the Chairperson of the Committee. Additionally, the Nominating Committee will canvas the membership and will present a field of candidates selected to represent a broad spectrum of the membership. The Nominating committee shall attempt, if possible, to nominate more candidates than positions available. Additional candidates can be nominated from the floor during the election day. Any member in good standing can nominate another member in good standing as long as his/her election is not prevented by the Constitution or By-Laws of the Society.

    The Nominating Committee should make an effort to make available to the membership, at least two weeks before elections, a comprehensive list of candidates with brief biographical sketches. Those nominated from the floor are free to make a statement on their own behalf in support of their candidacy.

  • Elections for the Executive Committee
  • Officers shall be elected by plurality vote of those present at the annual election meeting in April or May of each year. Candidates will be presented by the Nominating Committee, and will be nominated from the floor on the day of the election. In case of a tie for the last electable place, a vote will be cast, in the same meeting, to determine the outcome of the tie only. The various officer positions will be decided by the elected Executive Committee members themselves in a meeting to be held within two weeks from the annual election meeting. The names of the officers will be made known to the membership by mail, within a month from the annual election meeting. The new Executive Committee becomes empowered on the 1st of June.

  • Functions and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
    • Decisions by the Executive Committee are binding and cannot be altered or modified by any of its members. If circumstances arise which warrant a modification of decisions, then a meeting must be convened in which at least five members of the Executive Committee are present and vote.
    • The responsibilities of the officers are defined in the Constitution. In order to facilitate the function of some of the elected officers, the following guidelines are set forth as By-Laws:
      • It is the responsibility of the Vice-President to promote and publicize the Society and to maintain its good image in the community at large.
      • At the beginning of all general membership and Executive Committee meetings, the Recording Secretary shall read the minutes of the previous similar meetings. Action items, decisions, and responsibilities shall be clearly stated in the minutes of all meetings. A complete set of minutes will be kept by the Recording Secretary to facilitate references to prior decisions. Details relevant to action items and responsibilities should be made available as needed to members responsible for discharging those decisions. The Recording Secretary should actively facilitate such communications.
      • It is the primary responsibility of the Corresponding Secretary to see that notification reaches the membership in ample time for proper communication and response.
      • Correspondence with entities other than the Society members, for example other societies, authorities, etc., will be signed by both the President and the Corresponding Secretary, or by appropriate Committee Chairpersons, after the approval of the Executive Committee. The Corresponding Secretary is responsible for safekeeping a complete set of all documents forwarded by the Society during his/her tenure and of the correspondence received. The Corresponding Secretary will be responsible for accessibility to the Society's mailbox and for its timely renewal.

      • It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to initiate and implement the annual collection of member's dues. To this end, the Treasurer will instruct the Corresponding Secretary when notifications for dues payments are needed and shall be responsible for the contents of such notifications. He/She will also be responsible to define when a delinquent member should be dropped from the membership roster and shall submit those names for consideration to the Executive Committee.
      • The Treasurer shall prepare profit/loss statements for various events with the assistance of the Chairpersons of those events, and he/she should make recommendations about the financial status of the Society in consultation with the Chairperson of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer will prepare a financial statement for the period of his/her tenure and will present it at the annual election meeting.

    • The Executive Committee can disburse up to 750 U.S. dollars without the specific approval of membership. Larger amounts will require a majority vote in a general membership meeting.

  • Functional Committees
  • The Executive Committee will perform most of its functions through the judicious use of the Functional Committees, which are organized so as to maximize membership participation in the affairs of the Society. It is highly desirable, therefore, to motivate members to participate in these committees.

    Executive Committee members can serve on the Functional Committees. However, Executive Committee members cannot chair any of the committees, and no functional committee shall have more than one Executive Committee member at its roster.

    In order to ensure proper communications, the Chairpersons of the various committees will report directly to the Executive Committee as needed, and they will also give reports during the annual election meeting, and during the other general assembly meetings as needed.

    • Membership Committee - Has as its primary function to increase the membership through judicious selection of qualified prospective members. In order to facilitate its task, the Membership Committee should prepare printed material summarizing the objectives of the Society, and its past accomplishments. The Executive Committee shall assist the Membership Committee in updating such material.
    • Membership applications which are submitted to the Membership Committee are reviewed and then submitted to the Executive Committee with recommendations for approval or rejection.

      The Membership Committee Chairperson will be present at the Executive Committee meeting reviewing the applications. Applicants will be notified in writing by the Membership Committee Chairperson within one month from the date of the vote. The application will be kept with the Membership Committee Records. The Membership Committee Chairperson, however, must provide the Recording Secretary with a copy of the application and must add the new member on the updated roster. A copy of the Constitution and By-Laws will be forwarded to new members by the Membership Committee Chairperson.

    • Program Committee - Is responsible for coordinating, initiating, and assisting in the events sponsored by the various committees of the Society. The primary function of this committee is to see that the events are well balanced as to their cultural (with emphasis on the achievements of Greek culture), educational and social content, and that the timing of the various events is appropriately selected. A projected program of events should be formulated as early as possible, to maximize the effectiveness of planning. The Program Committee should work with all the other committees, and other organizations with similar objectives, to ensure that the resources of the Society are properly used, and to minimize time conflicts.
    • Scholarship: - Details on this specific function is governed by Appendix I of the by-Laws.
    • Hellenic Affairs: Provide a communications link between contemporary Greece and the Hellenic-American community of Houston under the auspices of the Society and in accordance with its stated goals. . Enhance the interactions of the Society with other Hellenic-American organizations in the United States, and provide an effective vehicle for cross-cultural exchanges between various professional groups in Houston and their counterparts in Greece.
    • Greek Language Committee - Facilitates the knowledge and enjoyment of the Greek language by the members of the Society and other interested groups. The achievements of Greek letters will be the cornerstone around which this committee will build its programs. At the same time, the committee will emphasize the use of conversational Greek in informal gatherings organized for this specific purpose.
    • Finance Committee - Develops long-term plans for financing events, services and growth of the Society.
    • Publicity Committee - Projects and promotes the Society's principles and objectives through all the media that bring the Society in contact with the public, and ensures that any media communications material is of high quality and standards. It is also a function of this committee to ensure that the content of the Society's events and presentations follow and reflect its philosophy and objectives.

  • Joint Meeting of Incoming and Outgoing Executive Committees
  • Within three weeks after election of the new Executive Committee, and after the new Executive Committee has elected its officers, there shall be held one joint Executive Committee meeting in which the following items must be covered:

    • Each outgoing Executive Committee member will be debriefed by the incoming counterpart member. Every assistance will be given by the outgoing members to ensure proper discharge of the Society's business. A clear understanding of the roles of incoming Executive Committee members must be gained in this meeting.
    • All archives, correspondence, lists of objects and articles and other materials will be passed over from the outgoing to the incoming Executive Committee, with all appropriate explanations. The Property Custodian will personally keep such articles, or have a correct list of who actually is in possession of such articles.
    • All unfinished business will be discussed and suggestions will be made, as appropriate, by the outgoing Executive Committee. The responsibility for completing unfinished tasks will lie with the incoming Executive Committee. Every effort will be made by the outgoing Executive Committee to facilitate completion of unfinished tasks.
    • Any programs already under way become the responsibility of the incoming Executive Committee, although members of the outgoing Executive Committee may be asked to complete certain tasks as appropriate.
    • In case of a serious question arising in the course of this transition, and if the incoming Executive Committee feels that a problem at hand transcends their jurisdiction or jeopardizes the well-being of the Society, then this matter shall be brought to the attention of a general meeting which must be convened within less than a month after the joint Executive Committee meeting.




    Scope of the Scholarship Awards

    Scholarship awards have been established by the Hellenic Professional Society of Texas to reward academic excellence in students of Greek descent. Scholarships sponsored by individual donors or corporations could be included in the Society's program, provided that the aim and the criteria do not conflict with the objectives of the Society or the scope of the scholarship program stated above. The Executive Committee shall decide upon the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee whether a scholarship sponsored by an individual donor or a corporation shall be included in the Society's program.

    Selection of Chairperson and Members of the Scholarship Committee

    The Scholarship Committee shall be composed of at least five members in good standing, representing the academic and other professional sectors. According to the Constitution, the Chairperson shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The Chairperson shall be selected among members who already served in the Scholarship Committee in previous years. The tenure of all committee members will be one year and will cover the period of the annual Scholarship process. No restrictions shall apply on the overall length of service of the Scholarship Committee members. However, each Chairperson shall encourage the participation of new members in a manner that preserves continuity while it encourages new ideas.

    Functions of the Scholarship Committee

    The principal function of the Scholarship Committee shall be to select and present to the Executive Committee the names of the successful applicants. This presentation shall be made by the committee Chairperson to the Executive Committee at least three weeks prior to the date of the annual scholarship award ceremony.

    The names of the possible scholarship recipients shall be decided upon by the full Scholarship Committee members during a meeting to be held at least a month prior to the date of the annual scholarship award ceremony. The same amount of money will be awarded to each recipient. A summary of important decisions made during the meeting shall be recorded and made available to the Executive Committee. The final number and amount of Scholarships is approved by the Executive Committee taking into account availability of the funds.

    Announcements for the availability of the scholarships shall be mailed to select Texas universities and colleges. The list of such institutions shall be updated and amended as required by the Scholarship Committee Chairperson. Concurrently, periodic announcements shall be made in the bulletin the Greek Orthodox Churches or organizations in Texas (as decided by the Scholarship Committee Chairperson).

    Scholarship applications are available to interested parties via the Society’s web page. Completed application forms and all required supporting material should be received by the deadline referenced in the scholarship announcement. The deadline shall be no less than two months before the annual scholarship award ceremony. All applicants shall be notified in writing of the committee's decision. Each applicant's file will be kept by the Scholarship Committee for a period of one year.

    Eligibility criteria for Scholarships

    The following students are eligible for the Scholarship program:

    • High School seniors of Hellenic origin, who attend a Texas High School, and they have applied to a College or University.
    • Undergraduate students of Hellenic origin, enrolled in a 4-year college/university in Texas.
    • Graduate students of Hellenic origin, enrolled in a graduate program at a university in Texas.
    • Students who are pursuing academic studies related to Greek letters or affairs at a University in Texas.

    Criteria for Selection

    The evaluation of applicants shall be based on merit as demonstrated by scholastic performance, letters of recommendation, aptitude test scores and any other relevant information provided by the applicant. The Scholarship Committee will be sensitive to the question of financial need as outlined by the candidate. Students who do not meet the following minimum criteria shall be excluded from consideration.

    • Undergraduate students should attend a 4-year college/university.
    • High School Students should have at least a 3.5 GPA.
    • Undergraduate Students should have at least a 3.5 GPA.
    • The students should have at least an SAT two-subject score of 1200, or an average ACT score of 25 (to be decided).
    • The students should submit proof of enrolment in their school/college through acceptance letters or other formal school/college communications.
    • The students should make their school transcripts and all relevant standardized tests scores available to the committee (SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, etc.)
    • The students should submit an essay for future plans.
    • The students should submit at least 2 letters of recommendation along with their application.


    The following restrictions shall be enforced:

    * A member of the Scholarship Committee shall not recommend an applicant by recommendation letter.

    * A student shall not receive more than two scholarships from the Society. A second award shall be given to the same student under the following conditions:

    1. the second award is given for a scholarship in a different educational level, and
    2. the second award is not given in a consecutive year.

    * A scholarship recipient shall be required to attend the annual scholarship award ceremony to receive his/her award. In extreme cases that he/she is unable to attend, a representative may be sent, after consultation with the Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee.