
The Objectives

Organize and sponsor social, cultural, educational, scientific, technical, and humanitarian activities for the benefit of the Society’s members and of the public, at the local, state, and national level.
Encourage and promote the pursuit of education among people of Greek descent throughout the United States.
Promote cooperation between professionals of Greek descent throughout the world.
Promote Greek language and culture to interested groups at the local, state, and national level.

Joining the Society

If you are interested in becoming a member of HPST, download and fill in the application form and mail it to the address provided.

HPST Membership Application

How to pay your Annual Dues
Dues are $50 for single members, $75 for couples, and $20 for student members. Membership dues are necessary to cover basic operation expenses and to ensure the financial health of the Society.

You can pay by either:

Mailing a check to: Hellenic Professional Society of Texas, P.O. Box 66616, Houston, Texas 77266-6616 or
Paypal to; Pay to Friends & Family (members cover the nominal transaction fee).